I'm calling the meeting back to order.
Pursuant to the order of reference of Thursday, February 6, 2020, we are studying Bill C-4, an act to implement the agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States.
With us on this panel for the next two hours are the Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, Flavio Volpe, president; the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Canada, Meagan Hatch, director, government relations, and Kevin Girdharry, manager, policy and data analysis; HTC CO2 Systems, Stephen Beasley, vice-president; IPEX Group of Companies, Veso Sobot; and Teamsters Canada, Phil Benson, and Christopher Monette, director, public affairs.
Thank you all very much for making the time to be here today.
Mr. Volpe, we'll start with your comments, please.