I'll reiterate and go back to one of the comments I made in my remarks related to the Gordie Howe bridge. This will be approximately a $6-billion project, which taps into the Herb Gray parkway, which is a multi-billion dollar project to connect the 401 to this crossing. It will be the most efficient border crossing between Canada and the United States. It will have the highest and latest technology, and will allow, for communities close to the border, whether it's the city of Windsor, elsewhere in Essex, or all the way down the corridor, down the 401.... It's really the backbone.
We are the backbone of what we call the “NAFTA superhighway”, all the way from Montreal down to Mexico. All municipalities that are part of that spine, that backbone, will benefit with the proper infrastructure in place. Having a redundant border crossing, having a border crossing that is the most resilient and has the most technology between Canada and the United States, located right here is a very positive sign. There's been work done since about the year 2000 or 2001. You will see in a few short months the support pillars for the bridge coming out of the ground. I think all signs are very positive.
It's not been an easy task, but it's happening. I think everyone in Canada serves to benefit who lives in a community along that backbone.