Sure. I think that trade diversification is key.
I think that with the U.S. and China representing so much of our exports, looking towards Mexico to increase.... We were at about $782 million in 2018. So I think a newly invigorated NAFTA is a good thing—CUSMA.
I think the key is that we can't be so reliant on any one export market. As we look to strengthen relationships with Mexico, we see there certainly are market gains to be found there.
To the expeditious nature of your question, 90% of our crop is exported. We can't consume everything that we grow here on the canola side.
We also have to look at where the U.S. is in their electoral cycle. Right now with the U.S. and Mexico having ratified, we're still under NAFTA, but if we get into the U.S. election cycle, we would be in a dangerous position, where Canada would be outside of NAFTA, and the U.S. and Mexico would continue to be....
We'd love to see more exports going to more markets, more to Japan and more to Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, Pakistan. There are lots of other markets. Mexico is certainly one where we can make inroads, but we can't do it without the CPTPP.