Thank you once again to all the presenters.
We've made a commitment, and we've heard it over and over again, to get the NAFTA deal through expeditiously. Obviously, the dairy farmers have some concerns, and we've heard them. They've come to the table with a number of ideas to help to continue to strengthen the dairy producers. I appreciate that testimony, too.
I'm not going to ask any questions that have already been asked, that the analysts have already gathered. We gather all your information, not only yours but from many other people, and we create a report.
I have one quick question that I have not heard yet. I'm probably going to have some time left over.
We're talking a lot about the United States in the NAFTA deal. When the canola farmers made the presentation, they mentioned that the United States is their number one market and Mexico is the fourth.
I would ask the canola farmers what opportunities there are in increasing exports to Mexico, taking it from fourth to higher, or just increasing exports with Mexico.