It's going to have an impact beyond the number of jobs. In our province, for example, many of the veterinary clinics are focused and concentrated in areas where dairy is one of the major farms going on, so it will have an effect there. The feed mills that provide feed for dairies and the canola meal will all have impacts. What happens is that, instead of farms growing, they're staying the same.
Right now, it's very hard to determine exactly the amount by which it will reduce these jobs because we don't even know the full impact of the riddance of class 7. It was very positive for us in terms of creating opportunities. As Matt said, all of our imports displace our ability to produce for the domestic market, but the restriction on exports actually makes it even more difficult for us to meet what is left of the domestic market because we'll have this surplus protein. What do we do with it? That is our challenge and that's how it has an impact on every veterinary clinic in the province, on farms. Now they're not growing.
I've talked to farmers. I get calls. It's about how difficult it is for them to make a go of it. They ask, “Where are we going with this?” I'm trying to provide them with answers, not really knowing how this all plays out. It means that investment on farms has really slowed down this year, and when we talked to our suppliers they corroborate that information as well, and on the processing side as well. For processors, if they're in a state of growth, they will continue to increase production. One thing we say about dairy farming is that it doesn't matter whether you have a 60-cow dairy or a 500-cow dairy; it will take about one person for every 50-60 cows. That's a standard across the board. In that way, we will see reduced employment connected to the dairy industry at all these different levels.