We do several things, and perhaps we could do more. Of course it always depends on the funding. I would send a message that the federal government can play a role here.
First, at the entrepreneurship level, we try to put in place everything we can to have them “born global”, as we call it, which means that right from the inception and the development of their initial business plans, we incite and work with those SMEs to make sure they take into account the possibility of exporting, which means if they develop their website, to make sure it's transactional. From Quebec it can be transactional in English. Internationally we make sure that, if they hire people, they hire people with the intent eventually to develop their international markets. That's one.
Second, we have lots of training activities, and as part of those training activities, as I was mentioning, we have all those groups that we take to the border. It's really to explain it and make it as simple as possible for those SMEs to see the American market as part of their backyard, part of their growth area.
Last, we organize missions in the U.S., where we take SMEs.... Usually we do not take large companies—they don't need us—but we will take SMEs into the U.S., into the New York area or to Silicon Valley. There we facilitate with the personnel who are either from the delegation of Quebec, the embassies or the consulate. We work with them to make sure we develop those one-on-one contacts. The whole strategy is to make sure that, as quickly as possible, our SMEs realize that their growth opportunity is to have access to that market.
Now with the new—