We have submitted three motions as well. They're topics that I believe will receive a lot of consensus, as there have been some significant conversations. I have two motions, and we have another member on our side who has also submitted a motion.
My motion relates to the main estimates, which is a normal practice, because we do have a timeline for that. Many committees have been voting on that at their first meeting, as we are today. I have a motion to invite the Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade to the committee. That's a very brief and simple motion that we could potentially address today, because it's very simple, and other committees are doing that as well.
The second motion has to do with hearing from stakeholders with regard to the Canada-U.K. transitional agreement. As we know from, the U.K. agreement will not be applicable to CETA at the end of the year. This motion is extremely timely.
Those are the two motions I have submitted. Perhaps there might be a desire to discuss those today, in particular the one about having the minister appear, because other committees have been addressing that as well.