Thank you. It's a good question.
First, there will be some structural changes as a result of CUSMA, simply because the stronger rules of origin in that agreement force a higher level of North American content. That was already occurring before the pandemic, and that will continue, to make sure that vehicles can actually receive preferential treatment through the agreement.
The bigger question of.... What we witnessed throughout COVID, due to lockdowns and then other supply chain disruptions, was problems in terms of procuring parts. That was problematic not just for the auto sector, but across industries. I think it's too early to tell, but it is safe to say that companies will be re-examining supply chains from a resiliency perspective to make sure that, should something like this happen again, they have secondary and tertiary suppliers they can access inputs from to make sure they don't face a problem like this again.
Regarding the question of parts from Asia, it really will depend on the type of vehicle and the technology being used. More and more, obviously, vehicles are highly connected, electrified. Some of that input will come from Asia, undoubtedly. We're encouraged to see that there have been new significant investments made in Canada that could create opportunities here.