Again, the market access that Canada committed to provide in the context of the CPTPP was a negotiated outcome of the CPTPP and TPP members that negotiated that agreement. Our expectation at the time that we made those commitments was that this market access would be available for our trading partners to pursue and that we could anticipate imports on the lines that we made commitments on.
Ultimately, the countries that have moved forward with implementing and ratifying the CPTPP are not identical to the countries with which we negotiated the agreement. In practice, some of the products for which we made market access commitments in that negotiation have not been fully utilized thus far under the agreement, which is not to say they will not be utilized in the future, but our assumptions have been from the outset that utilization of the TRQs was a likelihood that comes with opening up that market access.
In the event that the United Kingdom were to accede to the CPTPP in a way that allowed them to access Canada's supply management tariff rate quotas, then there is a possibility that they would export on those lines, and that either those exports would replace the exports of other CPTPP countries that are currently selling into Canada or, for products that are not fully utilized right now, it might result in additional incremental access into the Canadian market, but not beyond the commitment we've already made within the commitments we've already made.
I think the situation you're describing is one we've anticipated. We would work closely with our sector stakeholders, as we always do, to identify any particular concerns arising as a result of the U.K.'s ability to access those particular TRQs, but from the standpoint of today, I think the situation is one that is well within the scenario that was contemplated by the government at the time that agreement was concluded. We will continue to work with our sector to make sure the impact on them is also what was anticipated at the time the negotiations were concluded.