Absolutely. I think that's incredibly important. You can't separate people from the economy. Anything that impacts the economy is going to impact people. When you have trade deals that affect very narrow sectors, you're going to have very localized impacts. If you're affecting farmers, for example—I grew up in a farming community—that's going to affect the whole community. There's no way that the impact to their economic livelihood doesn't also impact the society, the culture, that they've built.
Quebec, particularly, often recognizes this in trade deals, in terms of cultural industries that they have to keep their culture alive. Quebec does a better job at this than Canada does as a whole, I think, in terms of recognizing the importance of culture and the importance of society. What you will see is that Canada will follow both the letter and the spirit of the trade agreement, where other countries will find ways around it in order to protect the social impact or the cultural impacts that they're looking for.
It is a difference in approach, and I think that when we are dealing with countries that treat trade deals differently, we should keep that in mind, so that we're not, as you say, undermining our industry and our culture at the same time, and not getting that reciprocation that we thought we were going to get.