If we want to rise to the challenge of filling a bigger market, we need more port capacity. A continuity of rail service is always crucial. It cripples us very quickly when we lose any rail service. It's phenomenal how quickly that backlog is on us, especially when we're shipping 80 containers a day and that's just us. There are lots of other exporters and I wouldn't know the numbers of what they represent.
Also, on the availability of containers, even today that is a challenge to our businesses. Getting the food-quality containers here and getting them filled and getting them back is a challenge. Also, there's a consolidation of shippers. At one time, not too long ago, 10 years ago, we had 12 to 14 businesses that represented companies that owned containers and now we're down to, probably, six. As there's more consolidation, there are tighter and more restrictive conditions. More volumes are restricted. It's always a very big challenge.
Transportation is key, and timeliness of transportation, and we need the ports to grow with the opportunities that are available. And that's what we see in the private sector. We see more companies getting involved in ports. Anything that continues to grow with our exporting opportunities will be good.