We have opportunities through SMEs, small and medium-sized businesses. It's not a huge trading partner necessarily, but there are opportunities on the military side. There are opportunities with parts from aircraft and things like that. It is one of the biggest countries that produces over there, so we have multiple opportunities with them.
The problem is the lack of structure we have here. It's making it more difficult for us to compete because the industry in the U.K. is heavily subsidized and supported by their government.
Over here, for us, the lack of support from the government currently makes investors wary of coming here. I'll give you an example. When big investors like Airbus came here and invested, they had big ideas of putting in a lot of money, but the overcapacity we have right now due to the pandemic makes it so companies are looking at bringing back work in-house and are looking at their investments, and whether they should continue investing in Canada.