Anything that would not bring this into a level playing field for all pensioners around the world is going to be a concern. The situation that exists right now under the European Union, where they've agreed to continue to index pensions, was basically to save face. For most of the people living in Europe, who are much closer to the United Kingdom, if they found out their pensions were going to be frozen, it would be very easy for them to return to the U.K. and put an awful lot of pressure on the health system, because we are seniors, and on housing and everything else. They couldn't let that happen; therefore, they've made this agreement that they will continue to index pensions.
That's only in existence for those people who are in Europe at the moment. I feel that it is extremely unlikely that they will not make the policy that all pensioners in the European Union will continue to receive an indexation.
They should be encouraging people to leave the country. It has been proven that every pensioner in the United Kingdom costs 1,700 pounds to the state every year, with health care costs, subsidies for bus licences, and so on. Therefore, rather than discourage emigration, they should be encouraging it.