The answer to that rests with the people who are involved in the discussions.
Yes, we would love to see you include this as part of any trade negotiation. However, I listened to all the other witnesses, and basically what I'm hearing is that every one of these witnesses this morning is trying to get a level playing field for their association. The whole purpose of a trade negotiation is to get economic benefit for Canada. By pointing out that the frozen pensions here are costing Canada a half a billion dollars, I would look for you, as a trade committee, to suggest, “Yes, if you can, include this.”
It's an excellent opportunity for you to level the playing field, and it's financially beneficial for you to do so. If you can include it in trade, that's great. Use it as a bartering process or a negotiating deal—however we can get it resolved. It's just been going on far too long. For Britain to continue to penalize the Canadian economy.... It has to stop. You have the opportunity as you're going into these negotiations now to use your power to do so.