Certainly. As Mr. Sheehan knows, the steel sector is a very global sector, and it has fallen prey to a lot of the issues I've talked about, such as dumping, and how that affects our relationships with our trade partners like the U.S. when they're worried about transshipments into the U.S. from other countries. These are all issues that the steel sector has had to deal with.
A more robust WTO, especially the dispute settlement mechanisms, would be beneficial to them. I'm sure my friends in the steel sector would always think that it could do more to help our domestic producers, especially here in Canada, and certainly any mechanism that would help....
It comes back to that data question again too. Are we collecting the right data? Are other actors fudging the numbers to an extent that it disadvantages our industries because we can't prove otherwise in these areas?
All that, and the efforts I mentioned in my comments, would certainly help our domestic steel sector.