They would absolutely, but I question why we would want to insure Canadian companies that are behaving contrary to our international obligations under labour or environmental rights. I don't think we have the responsibility as a government or as the people of Canada to insure them through this supposedly costless to us investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.
We should make them buy insurance, if they want to invest, because if they want to invest, it's because they expect there to be profits; isn't that the case? It's not our responsibility to insure them against their own bad action in generating profit.
I know that you hear from us politically on a regular basis about the bad behaviour of these corporations in the global south anywhere. Having ISDS does not diminish the political pressure that we're applying to you about the bad behaviour of some of these Canadian—
Really, Canada is a flag of convenience for mining companies. It's awful, it is horrible, and I don't think that most Canadian citizens would support our public dollars or our foreign policy backing these organizations.