As I've said, we don't have ISDS with the Americans anymore, so that removes a huge swath of risk. I don't think we need to get overly exercised about ISDS going forward with the Europeans. It's probably not going to happen.
Where do Canadian interests lie? I don't quite understand the notion that we should abrogate existing treaties, get out of existing foreign investment protection agreements. I don't understand how Canadian interests are advanced by doing that. I might be missing something. It might be desirable from an academic perspective, but why would we withdraw from those treaties where there is benefit arguably and no disadvantage to Canadians in terms of Canadian interests?
We could negotiate under the CPTPP bilaterals to eliminate ISDS. I don't think there's a huge risk of foreign investors from the Asia-Pacific region attacking Canada. It might happen, but I think there are a lot of atmospherics about ISDS. Frankly, I think we have to sit back and determine where Canadian interests lie. I'm not talking about broad academic interests. I'm talking about hard Canadian interests.