I can't get into specific case scenarios, Randy. What I can say, though, is that a lot of the focus seems to be on the manufacturing, getting the large fill-finish facilities and being able to go and cut a ribbon and say, “Look—we're making these here.”
The truth of the matter is that there's an overbuild going on throughout the entire world for manufacturing capacity. Everybody's doing the same thing Canada's doing, and they're building up manufacturing everywhere. In five years, if this pandemic tampers down, or even if it just mitigates somewhat, we're going to have such an overwhelming oversupply of biomanufacturing capacity that it's going to be breathtaking.
What they won't have are the products to go into those facilities. Besides Providence, there are fantastic companies doing tremendous R and D in Canada. We keep talking about the manufacturing, but manufacturing will come where there are successful products. We didn't have to go out and create new manufacturing in order to do what we're doing at Providence. We created a successful product and we found and secured the manufacturing necessary for it. Any group can do that.