Thank you very much.
I want to return to the original question I posed to the minister. I don't think we got much by way of a political response.
At the administrative level, has there been any direction, or are you looking at trying to assess, as you continue to have preliminary talks about possible trade agreements, whether there's a list of goods and services, or certain sectors where you think a different kind of approach is needed? Has there been any thought on how to structure those things into a trade agreement, or to ensure they're kept out of trade agreements?
One of the things we've heard recently at this committee for another study is the suggestion of trying to develop some kind of more regional supply chain for vaccine production and PPE, for instance.
How does that inform your work? Is your work effectively unchanged by the pandemic? Does the nature of the trade discussions you're having foresee exempting anything from a trade agreement, or treating it differently from just another commodity on the market?