We did a life-cycle assessment of our environment. On water consumption, in fact we return more to the environment than we take. Obviously, we're meeting provincial guidelines. There are no tailings. We're not capturing this water anywhere. We're using it in our process. We're returning it back to nature—in a cleaner state, frankly, than when it comes into our pipe.
Water stress is something that you care about when you're in the Chicama desert and other parts of the world. In Canada we're blessed with a lot of water. You're able to use that process water to lower impacts in other ways. It is part of an assessment of what we call your emissions and your life-cycle impact, but I think the real focus for us, as a chemical process, is emissions. We don't have a big stack. We don't have almost any exhaust going out into the environment. From a holistic perspective, ours is one of the cleanest refineries—it might be the cleanest—in the world on the cobalt side.