Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you, Minister Ng, for your presentation. I first want to ask a quick question about an aspect of the current negotiations that hasn't been addressed. I'm talking about the negotiations with the Mercosur countries.
Trade is beneficial. Exports will play a significant role in our economic recovery, which we hope will happen as soon as possible. In the case of Mercosur, about a month ago, environmental groups called for a moratorium, given that this is a record-breaking year for forest fires in that part of the world. This could pose a certain threat to our farmers, who, quite frankly, have faced major challenges in recent years. I'm thinking in particular of the poultry sector, which is subject to supply management.
Last Friday, Kendal Hembroff, the director general of trade negotiations at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, confirmed that discussions are still ongoing with that part of the world.
Can you confirm this and tell us whether your department has the political will to move forward in this area?