I don't get it. You could have secured market access for Canadian companies at 0%. That would have made our side fairly easy to negotiate.
Basically, the other countries didn't walk away. They kept talking. So obviously, the EU must have been indicating at that time that this was just temporary to keep their consumers happy while Brexit was ongoing, knowing full well that somewhere down the road these tariff numbers were going to change.
Why did we leave the table? Why wouldn't we lock that in, and actually say that this was a good deal for Canadian exporters? Why wouldn't we just finalize it based on those numbers? That was a good starting point. Now you're based on a starting point that they've created.
There's another question that I have. How receptive were they to Canada at the start? Weren't we in the top four of their priority to get done? How receptive were they after we pulled out and then tried to get back in?