Thank you, Madam Chair.
I'm going to have to preface my questions with a response to my Conservative colleague, who just now implied that somehow the government has dropped the ball. It's quite the contrary, Madam Chair. In fact, if we had rushed to make a deal with the United Kingdom, the industries represented by the witnesses before us would have been severely impacted by concessions that we could have made, but have refused to make. Instead, we got a good deal. We are actually one of the first countries in the world to have successfully concluded such a deal with the United Kingdom.
I will move on to questions if I may.
Mr. Gobeil, I also want to thank you for your statement and your remarks. Just a few hours ago, I had the privilege of answering questions during question period in the House. I explained to my colleagues that we have defended the supply management system tooth and nail and that not a single ounce more cheese will be coming into Canada under this transitional agreement with the United Kingdom.
I am wholeheartedly behind you and your industry. I hear you when you say that we must not only protect and defend the supply management system, but also promote it. Can you tell us how we can work together to promote our dairy farmers, to work hand in hand with you to identify other markets, or, again, to promote the industry here in Canada?