I can't speak to the entire budget, but we are not aware of any direct financial support in the budget for the Port of Churchill.
Arctic Gateway has benefited from significant support through PrairiesCan and through the Province of Manitoba for a number of years. We are currently requesting additional funding through PrairiesCan, through government, to support us for what we call bridge financing. We believe that as we develop the port, we're going to look for equity partners or debt financing to become independent, and we believe that we can get to that point in less than five years.
The port needs significant investment. We've just invested almost $150 million to upgrade the rail system, to stabilize and secure it. That project will come to an end at the end of this year, the end of the 2024 construction season.
The next step is the development of the port, and it will require significant funding. We estimate that probably over.... If you look at a 20-year development plan for the port, you'll see that it will require probably half a billion dollars—in that order of magnitude—but as I—