Thank you for the question.
We have eight recommendations. I won't read them all out. Picking the top three would probably be difficult.
One of them was mentioned already, which relates to making sure that the rapid response mechanism applies in Canada and the United States as well. It currently doesn't. In effect, it's only for Mexico. There were reasons for that, but I think seeing how successful it's been and knowing that there are violations of core labour rights in Canada and the United States, it should be applied here as well.
I think we need to expand the number of sectors that the rapid response mechanism applies to in Mexico, so that it covers more collective agreements in that country.
I think we need to do more in Canada to take a lead in enforcing it in Mexico. We've seen most of that happening in the United States right now. A lot of resources put together in terms of a consultative group within the government that can accept petitions to look into violations in Mexican plants. I think that if Canada were to take on more of that burden.... Because we have significant investments in Mexico in the mining sector, in manufacturing and in energy, we should take on a greater role in that as well.