I've said publicly, I've said privately and since last October I've been saying to the various departments of government that are responsible for this that we need to be in sync with the Americans. Eighty per cent of the market for our finished goods is the American market. I think the Americans understand it to mean that we have access to their market and that we need to protect access of their goods to our market.
In the first week of November 2023, the APMA went to Washington to meet White House officials—energy, treasury and economy officials—to say that the Chinese are aggressively eroding market-driven companies' market in Mexico, displacing market-driven FDI into North America via Mexico. They've really shown us what their intentions are with a very aggressive triple-digit increase in Europe, and we should do something about it.
We are very glad that the Americans have come up with a 100% tariff on EVs and a 25% tariff on some critical materials. We think the Government of Canada should do your consultation, but very quickly conclude that consultation, which is rather public. Everybody—all the related parties in our industry—says that we need to match it and show the Americans that we're just as dedicated to protecting their market access as they are to ours.