Thank you.
I do hope you will keep the views of the Ecuadorian people in mind when you do that.
This directly relates to CUSMA, because in the first version of CUSMA that we're thinking of looking at again right now, one of the major things that came out of it was getting rid of section 11, the ISDS part that was in NAFTA, and eliminating that for trade between Canada and the United States.
I hope that we will continue that. Minister Freeland made a big point of saying what a wonderful thing it was not to have that ISDS provision in CUSMA. I hope that we retain that. Those ISDS provisions remain in place in regard to trade with Mexico, and there are some people who would like to make sure that those are made stronger and expanded. I'm just wondering if you could comment on that. What would Canada's stance be on investor-state dispute mechanisms if we did reopen CUSMA for renegotiation?