Sure. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Again, it seems like we're being a bit more informal, which is fine. I'm a sub here, so it's as you wish in terms of proceeding.
In terms of the proposal by Mr. Savard-Tremblay, I do think having the two hours available for ministers would make a lot of sense. There are a couple of caveats that obviously exist with that. Number one is that the committees don't have the power to compel ministers to appear, so if we ask a certain number of ministers to appear for two hours, there's the possibility that we won't get them for that time. There's also the possibility that we won't get them at all, and it is what it is.
I do find that in a one-hour period, in any committee I've been on, you have the process of getting organized. The minister provides their testimony, and then that leaves fairly limited time to actually get through the remaining parties. It means that not every person who's a member of the committee even gets to ask a question, typically, unless they're splitting rounds, so I do think that the two hours is important for providing for a substantial exchange.
I think all four of these ministers are important. Whether all of these ministers will show up for the time allotted seems fairly unlikely, and I can speak to why each is important. I think I'll have a chance to speak more to this later on, maybe, but there are many different issues that are engaged. There are economic issues and the impact on Canadian workers. There are also strategic and human rights issues. I do think having the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs for a sufficient amount of time to ask questions that cover some of those distinct themes.... What's the impact on Canadian workers? We're also talking about various different industries, right? There are likely specific issues with specific sectors, so to be able to drill down into all of the different sectoral impacts, as well as the strategic and human rights issues, in one hour does not seem to me to be sufficient.
I do want us to be able to cover the different themes in different kinds of meetings, which is why I think the length of the study is appropriate. That would be my take. Thank you.