I think this is an important part of the context of how we understand the importance of these tariffs, and I think it's important to....
I'm sorry, I'm getting some feedback from the floor; I thought I had the floor.
This is just to say that the human rights dimensions of the EV supply chain are critical. The conditions in sourcing in the DRC, as well as issues of forced labour in the PRC, are things I think we should be seized with as well. I'm very supportive of this tariff policy and the hearings that we're going to have. I think they're important for Canadian workers who, in the present climate and without effective measures to combat forced labour in our supply chains, are effectively being forced to compete against goods that are produced through slave labour. That's not fair to the victims of that slave labour, and it's not fair to Canadian workers. I'm looking forward to this study.
I have one other comment, which is that maybe we should set a witness list.