The friendly amendment is changing the word on the third line from “spent” to “announced”, because that's what it is.
On the sixth line down, it reads, “with 4 meetings held before September 30th”. The House is going to resume. We have to be flexible on committee scheduling, so I would say, “with 8 meetings", starting on the first day back. I don't know when the House will resume, but I assume we'll be sitting the first Monday we come back, so we can say “with 8 meetings”, starting on whatever that date is, “and that the meetings consist of...”.
I know we have listed four different hours with four different ministers. It might be easier to just say with meetings that consist of Minister Ng and officials, Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne.... I'm not sure if we need Minister Freeland here. As we know, Minister Ng is on the trade file, along with Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne, on the team Canada-U.S. engagement strategy. It might be beneficial for our members to hear that, so we might want to just readjust and add two ministers there.
We could have Minister Ng for two hours with officials and Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne for two hours. I don't think we need to specify two hours if we just mention the minister's names alongside "officials".
That's one, two and three. My fourth friendly amendment is about how we have to respect commercial confidentiality when industry gives us submissions on feedback during the consultation process. I think we need to add the words “subject to commercial confidentiality and national security considerations” because we are talking about ensuring that Canadian interests are protected. I think those words should be included.
The words again, for the clerk, are “subject to commercial confidentiality and national security considerations” after “practices” on the fourth line down.
I have a final friendly amendment. If you notice at the bottom, where we are saying “that the government immediately match the United States' tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles” and so on, we're presupposing the study that we're going to do. I think the recommendations will tell us what we need to do after we hear from industry and the ministers. Therefore, I think that bottom section needs to be gone. It should read, on the seventh line down, “immediately report to the House of Commons” with a period, and nothing else after that.
That's what I have.