Well, frankly, I don't think the softwood lumber issue is something that would destabilize our relationship with the United States. I said earlier that it is an irritant, that it is a problem, and it can only be resolved, in my view, through a separate agreement between Canada and the United States to deal with these issues, but I don't see softwood lumber as a destabilizing element in our relationship. It is one of a series of difficulties we have with our major trading partner.
I would hope that both sides could come to some agreement on settling this, but at the end of the day, it's about the U.S. industry wanting to protect its market share, and as long as they have the money to pay lawyers, this dispute will go on. It might be a perpetual problem. I hope not, but that's where we are.
That said, just to repeat my earlier point, I don't think that, in itself, the softwood lumber case will destabilize our good relationship, generally speaking, with the Americans.