By “expand it further”, I suppose you're talking about seeking to partner with other like-minded democratic countries on a collaborative framework to keep forced labour out, which benefits workers within the free world and puts pressure on China to put a stop to this Uyghur genocide.
I have one final question.
The USMCA contains provisions on combatting forced labour. There's an obligation on the part of parties to that agreement to take action to combat forced labour. It doesn't include any kind of alignment of structures, but it includes a commitment.
It seems to me to be a bit of a trade risk if the Americans are able to see that they're putting a stop to forced labour products coming in from East Turkestan and Canada is not. That raises some questions about our compliance with that agreement.
It seems like a win-win if we could try to bring Canada into line with that agreement and collaborate more with the Americans in order to avoid potential criticism that we're not living up to our trade obligations.
I'm basically out of time, but maybe the chair will allow your quick response to that.