I think the federal government needs to lead by example. It must be the first to say that it does business with women, in part. A quota could be reserved for women or businesses that have the parity certification, in other words, businesses that allow women to contribute at all levels of the organization.
I think this is the kind of incentive that leads to a societal shift. Businesses are saying that, if they want to do business with the government, they have to show their credentials, that more women are in positions at all levels. They may be women entrepreneurs, through the Réseau des femmes d'affaires du Québec, or large corporations or businesses that have thousands or tens of thousands of employees and parity certification. In addition, they must show that corporate initiatives, policies and culture are reviewed annually, and ensure that women and men have equal opportunities.
I see that Ms. Vachon wants to say something. I've said everything I wanted to say.