Thank you very much.
Before I go to Mr. Savard-Tremblay, I have a document. I'm not going to mention what's been completed but what is partially complete.
They were asked, on March 19, to produce both the external review results and the internal review results of CARM phase two. That was 300 pages. It is partially complete.
Another one was to submit documents—ITPRs—from Gartner and BDO on CARM readiness. That is 80 pages. It is partially complete. The independent third party review was sent on May 1.
Another one that's in progress is the 31,000 pages of material that has been collected in response. It is in translation and ongoing, and packages will be provided to the committee as they become available.
Another one is “the deliverable establishing the link between the detailed functional technical specifications of the system and the business needs”. It is in progress. It's 2,100 pages. It is in translation. The material will be provided as it's ongoing.
Another one is “all documents demonstrating which business needs from the Statement of Work the Agency considers to be met by the current solution”. That's in progress. It's approximately 200 pages. Again, it's in translation.
Those are the five relating to the March 19 request.
The March 21 request was “to produce, in both official languages, unredacted copies of the contingency and disaster recovery plans and the transition plan for importers who are not registered with CARM by May 13”. That is approximately 50 pages of material.
The June 2023 system outage contingency plan was provided to the committee on April 11. Some ongoing material to do with that request will be provided to the committee, and maybe that's one that's being provided today.
Out of those five that are partially complete, I'm told from CBSA documents this morning that two of them will be provided to the committee today, which would mean that there are three reports outstanding, one of them being the 30,000 pages referred to.
Mr. Savard-Tremblay.