It's related to your earlier question. Is it an incentive that you need to carve out specifically for women entrepreneurs? I think there's value in that, just as there is in tax incentives. At the end of the day, different policy tools achieve different things. I think ultimately, on big-picture things, we do think there are a couple of things.
One, we should perhaps be a little bit more ambitious, because government can do lots of things: They can de-risk and they can incentivize and they can attract private sector capital. However, government alone can't do it all. I think that's one thought.
The second thought is that market dynamics are so important. Even for an entrepreneur, once you get funding from private entities, that just serves as a bit of a presentation card right down the line that is saying that you have achieved this level of success in fundraising from all these different sources of capital, including government, but also elsewhere.
I think that as we design policy, it has to be cohesive—