It's absolutely crucial, and it's crucial to do that in concert with allies.
We have to find ways of ensuring that the tariffs that are now being imposed by Canada itself—in a very welcome decision around tariffs imposed by Canada itself—but also by the EU do not find themselves circumvented by China through the development of electric vehicles in, say, Slovakia or perhaps other eastern European countries, and that there are no weak links in the chain of resilience.
Without that, it's hard to see how our electric vehicle industries are going to be able to survive when—you heard the numbers that I recited earlier—tens of billions of dollars of state subsidies have been pumped into them and the overcapacity is now so extraordinarily high that all of our domestic industries are on a hiding to nothing.
Absolutely, we need to do more to seed investment into our own electric vehicle manufacturing supply chain, but we need to ensure that we are resistant to the market distortion that China has become extraordinarily adept at meting out to our industries.