The European Union itself has just decided to impose tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles, and it's done that partly because last year, something in the region of well over 25% of electric vehicles in the European Union were produced in China.
The slight difficulty is that not every country in Europe has a similar relationship with the People's Republic of China. Some that decide not to impose bilateral tariffs or even unilateral tariffs might find themselves exploited as a market for Chinese electric vehicles.
For example, in my own country, the United Kingdom, which has not yet decided whether or not it will impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, what that may mean is very cheap electric vehicles for U.K. consumers, but it's also going to mean an utter defenestration of the U.K. car industry, or what remains of it.
There's a bit of a disparity, just to answer your question, Mr. Sidhu, but I think there is clearly alignment between the European Union and Canada when it comes to tariffs, and that should be expanded to ensure that there is real trans-Atlantic resilience.