Yes. Absolutely. From our standpoint, we have the pipeline. The issue is not the pipeline in companies that have scaling potential, that have great leadership and that have incredibly strong Canadian roots. To go back to my point around accessing capital for that international expansion, I don't think women founders know where to access that. To the point around Export Development Canada, etc., yes, there are some small business initiatives, but often that's mid-market and for more of the scale-up community coming through some of our partners. Where is that support for early-stage founders? We try to connect them there.
As for our other programs, we always have a pro-exporting narrative. Our women's program is not exclusively for exporters, but it's about the storytelling opportunity. We need to showcase how women are exporting. I can think of Nita at Dalcini Stainless. She's an unbelievable exporter who's often profiled, but she shares a lot of hurdles around exporting her product. We try to both champion those perspectives to government and also have her serve as bit of a mentor and guide to other aspiring women exporters.