There are two parts to that. I appreciate the challenge of the testimony in that there is a tremendous amount of funding available. I completely agree with you, but I think a lot of it is either left on the table or, in the moment, doesn't go to a woman founder; it ends up perpetuating the cycle by going to a male-led business.
Targeting specific industries absolutely makes sense. Where there could be some opportunities is looking at that intersection of identity.... In the manufacturing space, there are probably programs and organizations that have that niche subject matter expertise. I can't think of a lot of women's support organizations within my network that also have that expertise.
If there's a way, not necessarily to build more funding or look at building something net new, but to leverage collaboration to bring both of those characters into one program or explore this with a pilot, that is the model moving forward, instead of building too many net new programs across all of these intersections.
There is such a tremendous amount of programming out there that I hesitate to add too much more.