Thank you very much for your testimony. It's very informative.
I'm from Sault Ste. Marie. It's right on the St. Marys River. It has been a traditional place for first nations to come to fish the whitefish, and they would smoke them there. This was before the settlers came. They came from all over Canada and the United States. Naturally, when people gathered in Sault Ste. Marie—the area they're in, which we call Turtle Island, or Bawating—it became a place of trade, and it's really grown exceptionally.
There are some things I want to ask about. In northern Ontario, for example, we have FedNor, which is a regional economic development agency. That has been combined with the department of Patty Hajdu, the Minister of Indigenous Services. The thought behind that was economic reconciliation.
To either one of you, have you had many dealings with various regional economic development agencies, or any other federal program, as you layer things for your clients for support?