Ms. Payne, I'm sure you're aware that the softwood lumber industry combined has called on the government to appoint a special envoy to try to negotiate a resolution on this. During the last study, we discovered, shockingly, that this request for a special envoy to be appointed by the Department of Industry sat on the minister's desk for 15 months without any kind of response.
In a committee report from 2023, there was a recommendation accepted by this committee and put to the government for the Government of Canada to appoint an official softwood lumber emissary to engage with the United States, in order to enhance Canada's efforts. It was designed to encourage the U.S. administration to negotiate a resolution to the current softwood lumber dispute. That was a year ago—plus the 15 months before that, when it just sat in limbo. Here we are today with no resolution.
Are you surprised at all by the government's lack of action on this recommendation of the committee, which has led to some of the challenges we're seeing?