Thank you.
When we negotiate a free trade agreement, we put in what are called rules of origin. These rules of origin are specific to product. We put in place what we call PSROs, product-specific rules of origin, to help us determine exactly what goes into a product, and also the mechanism for tracing them back, the mechanism for ensuring that they meet the rules, because we only want goods that originate in the exporting country to benefit from the trade agreement. That's on the one hand.
On the other hand, if it's trade, for example, in a wildlife product that isn't meant to be traded, we have rules in our environment chapters that deal with that and commit countries to implementing their commitments under, for example, the CITES treaty, which is the trade in endangered species.
Those two elements I think cover off what the member was asking about with respect to how we go about ensuring traceability.
The other angle that I would say our trade agreements include is co-operation. We offer our partners co-operation with respect to these sorts of things to help them implement their obligations so that they can meet the terms.