Yes, one thing we're trying to do more, now that we're getting out of the pandemic lockdowns, is that we'd like to invite more Korean corporate executives to come visit. We used to focus mostly on Toronto, Montreal, Waterloo, the technology hubs, but we should also start giving them the tours of the other parts of the provinces and give them a good understanding, but also educate Korean Canadians. Even a lot of Korean Canadians don't realize how knowledgeable our workforce is and how many good natural resources we have. There are lots of opportunities.
Educating locally and also abroad is critical in getting deals done. I think a lot of them still don't know much about Canada. All they know is that we have great schools, and it's a nice and safe place to send their kids. We do get a lot of students at universities and colleges, but I think we should take them to northern Ontario, northern Quebec and other parts where there are lots of resources.