Exploration is feasible, actually. It isn't complicated to find critical and strategic metals like copper and nickel, and it's easy to produce them.
For niobium or lithium, the difficulty lies in the metallurgy: the metal extraction stage and the oxidation stage. That difficulty is also present for several critical and strategic metals. So what we have to do is find an economic recipe for carrying out these processes. I would say that Canada may not be putting enough effort into it, in that regard. It is investing a lot of money overall, and there is assistance for exploration. But where there is almost no assistance is in refining. For the moment, no effort is being made on refining. It's an unoccupied market. I have been asking the Quebec government for assistance on this aspect for 12 years. I think the Canadian government could provide assistance.
A few weeks ago, the government announced assistance for exploration. However, there is no assistance for design and innovation, and that is what battery suppliers need. For that, it's cold hard cash that has to be found on the market.