It's similar to Dave's answer.
One of the main benefits would be to have this platform to diversify into the region, particularly meal into Thailand and the Philippines, and oil into Malaysia and India. As many people have testified before, the region has a strong population, a growing middle class and an increasing interest in heart-healthy products. We feel that canola could be well positioned if we had the tariff reductions and the clear rules of trade to be able to provide an opportunity for our exporters to pivot between markets.
Specifically, we have an exciting opportunity in Canada, with seven million tonnes of crush capacity potentially coming online in the next few years. With that, we'll have more oil and meal to sell globally, and the Indo-Pacific is very much an area we'd like to capitalize on to sell more into the region. There is a high, growing demand for high-quality feed, more interest from the aquaculture sector, trends towards plant protein....
There are lots of opportunities that we would like to see reflected in the trade agreements and the strategy being put forward by the government.