I can only give you kind of a thumbnail sketch here, because I don't have all the specific details, which we can provide later.
Canadian mining companies violate this treaty with the UN by forcible removal of indigenous peoples from their land. The Lumad peoples in Mindanao, who we stayed with for three weeks, had been moved off their land. Five hundred of them were gathered on a church site. They had been living there for five years because of removal by a mining company, a major Canadian mining company, I might add, that I won't name. That's one thing.
Also, they go in and have the paramilitary police and military embed themselves in communities. By that I mean they move right into a community. The way rural Philippine houses are built, there's often space between the floor and the ground where they nurture animals during the rainy season. The military camp right under the houses of the indigenous people to intimidate them to ensure that some of them will sign off on the free, prior consent issue.