Thank you for the questions.
Our concern is more about how the case of Taiwan can be taken. Regarding the case, I think Taiwan, just like Canada, would welcome any country and any economy to participate in the CPTPP as they are committed to high standards. We are hoping. We submitted our application last September. Six months have already passed, so of course I think Taiwan is very interested to know our progress. We hope that our case will be handled very professionally based on the merits of our applications.
In fact, we have done more in advance than most other applicants. For example, we have already amended our law even though we are not starting our negotiations yet. We are doing this to show our commitments. So far, we are still wondering when our case will be taken. We're just trying to make sure our case is not overly politicized. We hope that all of the members of CPTPP will live up to their commitment to welcome any country members and economies that are willing to satisfy compliance with the high standards of CPTPP.
Thank you.