Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Thank you to all of the witnesses. It has been very informative.
I'm going to start with Mr. Byrne from the Grain Farmers of Ontario.
I note that you observed that we've gone from being a grain importer over the last 10 years to now being a grain exporter, which is terrific news, and it demonstrates the importance of diversifying our trade and pursuing further trade arrangements around the planet, including with less traditional partners. That is really important.
I also note that you indicated that notwithstanding the important work that you and all of your members are doing as grain farmers in Essex and around Ontario, you have never before seen extreme weather conditions of the type you've seen this year, which, to my mind, just underscores the importance of addressing climate change and addressing it aggressively because it affects all of us whether we're individual residents or running massive farming operations.
In terms of the question for you, Mr. Byrne, you commented about China and what had happened over the past few years with that trading relationship, and you emphasized the importance of exploring different markets and opening up new markets and volunteered your assistance in that regard. Among the ASEAN group—we're talking the Indo-Pacific and more broadly ASEAN—are there specific nations you'd identify? I draw your attention to the fact that the speaker just after Mr. Innes was talking about Vietnam and Indonesia. Can you target us toward a few different nations that you think would be particularly attractive for us to be pursuing initiatives on with respect to freer trade, particularly in grains?