I think all of this complements my earlier points about the last number of years specifically through CUSMA. That experience was a bit of a changing of the channel about how we understood the role of labour rights in continental free trade, something another speaker, I can't recall who.... This is very innovative stuff. This is stuff that doesn't exist in trade agreements anywhere else in the world, so we were breaking ground on these concepts.
We're doing it in the spirit of solidarity, working with independent Mexican labour unions. In fact, there's a vote happening right now at a truck plant among a series of workers, all of which has been brought about by the laws established under the CUSMA, which are having a positive effect. It's unfortunate then that a policy like this surfaces that is obviously very inward looking and isolationist, and really in practice aims to undo a lot of that goodwill, a lot of that solidarity that was built up.
I don't know what more to say about this other than it's a disappointment, and again, hopefully there are ways to rectify this as we go forward.