There's no secret as to how interconnected the American and Canadian auto sectors are. We will bully this point forever. I think we know where the future's going. I just had a daughter. She's eight months old and she'll probably never in her life start a car that goes v-v-v-vroom and then starts.
Understanding the importance of how our two countries have operated almost seamlessly as one sector for the last hundred years is imperative to the prosperity of us all in the sector. I think the government understands that. I think that's why they're extremely live to this issue with the build back better bill. I think we also need to take a step back and see that this bill is being brought with a plethora of other issues and measures in it. This EV tax credit is only one piece. We also have to be live to the political realities in the United States.
We're half way in the game here. We're probably at halftime in this process. We need to continue to make sure that both the American automotive sector and the American administration understand how imperative a measure this is and how it will affect them. Appealing to the American interest is the way we kind of drive this point home.